Giving you the tools you need to lower your blood sugar and a1c without dieting

Prediabetes Nutrition

Lower Blood Sugar

Lower A1c

Feel confident eating carbs

hi, i'm dione!

Now, as a Registered Dietitian, I teach YOU how to do the same thing using the sustainable diet and lifestyle changes I teach in the Blood Sugar Boss Academy Courses.

I was diagnosed with prediabetes, insulin resistance, and PCOS in my early 20s.

Feeling shocked and scared, I was placed on Metformin, given a handout, and sent on my way. I tried one crash diet after another, and nothing lowered my blood sugar or even felt doable for more than a few weeks.

I spent months floundering on my own and wondering if diabetes was my destiny.

I remember learning about pairing carbs with protein and fiber while in school to become a Registered Dietitian. I thought, “Now, this sounds like something I could actually do.”

Using this pairing method, I was able to get off Metformin and lower my A1c <5.7% and fasting blood sugar <100 mg/dl. That was nine years ago, and I’ve had my prediabetes in remission ever since then.

Lower your Blood Sugar and A1c with the Blood Sugar Boss Academy Courses

This course teaches you exactly what, when, and how much to eat to lower blood sugar and A1c out of the prediabetic range.

This course teaches you how to use exercise, stress management, and sleep to lower blood sugar and A1c out of the prediabetic range.

Want to discover the best blood sugar friendly snack for you?